We are happy hikers

We are two happy Swedish hikers who love to hike in Hong Kong. When finished all sections of the four long trails we realised it would be great to be rewarded for the hours of walking and running those trails.  The idea actually comes from our childhood when we got rewarded for learning to swim. We got different awards for swimming 200 meters, diving, rescue swimming etc. The initiative comes from the early 30s in Sweden to make children wanting to learn to swim. We have kind of the same idea, make more people go out and explore the hiking of Hong Kong.

We help you a bit with this website. You can find the four long trails with it’s sections, where to find them, how to get there and what to expect.

So, go out and explore the sections of Hong Kong Trail, Lantau Trail, Wilson Trail and Maclehose Trail and reward yourself.

Hike and hugs from

Lena and Pernilla